Tuesday 12 June 2007

The depressed dropout

No chances in life,
Judgement every day
From those who don't understand.
I've tried to move on,
To correct my mistakes
And make something of myself.

So what if I dropped out.
It was for the best
But I face a daily judgement,
A social stigma
For doing what I thought was right.
But it doesn't end there.

I'm judged for my feelings,
Ashamed of my emotions.
When it gets really bad
I'm left unable to talk.
I write, but still fear judgement,
A poem, a suicide note.

Nobody cares, nobody understands,
So I am left alone.
Solitary confinement
For a crime I didn't commit,
The story of the depressed dropout
Has no happy ending.

Socially stigmatised,
My ambitions reduced to pipe dreams.
People judge me for what I've become,
They don't understand.
My emotions kept private,
The truth of the depressed dropout kept hidden.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

me too, every day the thoughts can strangle any chance of accomplishing something new. there was a reason to drop out, though, you're on your own path, and that is beautiful. dropping out, also, gives a new opportunity to join in something that perhaps fits a bit better. social stigmas are a powerful force, but once immersed in them, ways to cope begin to show themselves and life can become richer than it ever was before the dropout. social stigmas rule over so many, even those who seem to benefit are in a way dominated by them.